Sunday, November 24, 2024

Exercise: It's a Fine Balance

Over the years I've discovered an approach to exercise and training that has helped with implementing consistent workouts. Every morning I check in with all my systems -- not only my legs and feet but also where my head's at, what's my stress level, and how everything is feeling. All of this guides what I do (or don't do) for the training that day and how hard I push down on the gas pedal. Sometimes I see athletes kill themselves with grueling workouts that are extremely hard on the body and central nervous system. I've been there myself. It isn't that day's workout that will make you a strong and healthy person. It's the consistent gradual adaptations you make over time that set you up for success. It's a very fine balance with knowing when you should push and when you're causing damage. All growth -- be it in exercise or in life -- comes from adaptation, consistency, and being present in the moment. We don't want to be too hard on ourselves, but we don't want to be too easy either.

Hope this can help!