Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Can't Wait for the Virginia 10 Miler!

In two weeks the Virginia 10 Miler will take place in Lynchburg. I had to choose between it and the Chicago Half Marathon. Really, it wasn't much of a choice. No race can match the Virginia 10 Miler. Of course, I'm a little biased because I live in Virginia. But that doesn't change the fact that this is a great race. The course is a killer, but that's one of the reasons we runners love it so much. Here I am after setting a new PR for the race. 

The final stretch is all uphill, and it's brutal. All of this is offset by a truly scenic course, excellent aid stations, and absolutely incredible crowd support. It's usually perfect fall weather too. It's also great to see so many professional runners from Kenya and Ethiopia there. They are fun to watch, but they can't compare to the historic match between two running giants, Frank Shorter and Bill Rodgers. 

It sure will feel good to get out there again.