Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Enjoying Your Studies (and Your Workout)

I'm thinking that happiness looks something like this:

You prepare your students for their first exam the best way you know how and leave the results up to the Lord. To say that I am excited to see how they do tomorrow would be an understatement. 

Then I drove home and after dropping off my suitcase went to the Y for a workout. Since I'm never there in the afternoon I was happily surprised to see it crowded with people of all shapes and sizes. 

I tried to follow the advice I always give to my students: Don't try and focus on everything at one time. Greek, like lifting, can be daunting, but if you peel it all down into bite size chunks it isn't all that bad. The reality is, you can't do the whole workout as a whole. You can only do one rep at a time. You have a fitness goal, you have a plan, and you're going to stick with it and move forward because you know it's the right thing to do. Before you know it, you'll be in the middle of your workout and  you'll realize it's not a big deal after all. You even to begin to enjoy it.

I hope my students are enjoying their Greek class. And all their studies. When you're done, you'll always feel better than you would have if you quit. And you'll thank yourself for it.