Major kudos to a colleague of mine who ran in last Saturday's 100K (62 mile) race in Farmville. It takes a lot of courage to even start a race like that. Due to a hip inquiry he had to drop out after 57K. He did the right thing by not injuring himself further. None of us should ever jeopardize our running career for "one" race, even if it's been on our bucket list for years. I myself was scheduled to run last Saturday in the 50K race in Farmville. I ended up in Dallas instead. But if I had started, there's still a question mark in my mind if I would have been able to finish. I do understand the fine line we runners walk. We have to know when to say "no" to protect future races and even our health. Sometimes this is a very tough spot to be in. I have never been at my friend's level, but I've been to ultramarathons where I started with niggles that cleared up as soon as I started running. You just never know what your body will do on race day. I have never run an ultra where I did not feel COMPLETELY exhausted when I finished. That's just the nature of the beast.
My friend tells me he'll try another 100K some other time. I too would like to try another 50K next year.
Friend, just because we start something doesn't mean it will turn out the way we planned. We are not guaranteed anything in life. Yet that should never stop us from working hard and giving it 100 percent. And we can't let failing paralyze us and make us afraid to try again. As is so often the case, the journey is the real experience. Even an injury can serve a purpose. It can ignite a fire in us to recover and to keep moving forward. "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
Have a wonderful day!
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Running in a race on the High Bridge Trail in Farmville. A back-of-the-packer I definitely am! 😅 |