Sunday, December 1, 2024

It's Never Too Late

I know you know this already, but exercise serves as a great metaphor for life. 

Any goal is attainable ...

All you need is desire, hard work, and consistency ...

If you put your mind to it ....

You get the drift.

Exercise is not easy. But "average" people like you and me become athletes all the time. Why? Because they want to achieve something in life. You can do the same thing. Here are the steps involved:

1. Decide on your goal.

2. Evaluate how much time and effort you can dedicate to that goal.

3. Write down a plan to get where you need to be.

4. Begin executing your plan.

5. Deal with setbacks as you encounter them.

6. Achieve your goal and then ask yourself, "What's next?"

Exercise is much more than walking or lifting or biking or running. It can become a personal philosophy, a way of life. That's why I was so happy to get back to the Y today. 

I hadn't lifted in 5 days and I missed it. After all, my goal for 2025 hasn't changed -- climbing another peak in the Alps. Unfortunately, many people over 50 think they can't increase their level of exercise. Some, in fact, think it's impossible for someone over 60 or 70 to go from a sedentary lifestyle into training for a marathon or an ascent of a 4,000 meter peak. Thankfully, God put people in my life who pushed back traditional limits and expectations. That's why I'm just as excited as the 20-year olds at the gym. 

Like you, I don't know the year I will leave this earth. But if you make the right adjustments, you can expect to achieve more vitality with every decade of life -- if you don't give up. I am so thankful for my local gym. My life has been changed for the better because of it, and I can't express how great I feel. I'm energetic, motivated, and love life each day. It is an undeserved blessing of God's grace to be able to be active.

Whether you are 26 or 76 or anywhere in between, it's not too late to get with the program. As we near the end of the year, why not take a moment and reevaluate your lifestyle and diet and see if there's room for improvement. You've got nothing to lose except the extra pounds that are slowing you down and negatively affecting your quality of life.