Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Favorite Photos from My Day

This was my view as I left the farm this morning to grab some coffee at Bo's. So mundane, I know. 

This is called a notepad. 

You may never have seen one before. It's made out of something called paper. You know, the stuff that comes from trees. You do know what a tree is, right? I fill in one of these notepads about once a week. Most of the time I am journaling. A journal is magnificent spiritual therapy. Don't confuse it with a day planner. A journal is not a diary of places and events. It's a record of what God is teaching you and how you are dialoguing with him. I find that thoughts disentangle themselves in a notepad. There's something about pushing words through your fingers -- not over the computer but by hand. It's called "handwriting." Some of my thoughts end up as blog posts, but not all of them. 

Bible study being over, it was time to head to Farmville and get in a few miles on my bike. 

My triathlon in Dallas is only a week and a half away, and I need to train for the 13.5-mile bike portion of the event. 

I used the High Bridge Trail of course, passing Rice and then circling back to town. 

I have never been one to drive for an hour and a half only to bike a few miles. 

Time will tell if my hard work will pay off. 

Well, hope you enjoyed my pics. Here's to a long life filled with beautiful mornings and yellow note pads.