Sunday, October 13, 2024

Finding My Way Back to the Father

Today's sermon at church from Daniel 4 on the danger of pride really hit home. And it was delivered with such great power. When I listen to a piece of music, if I'm not pleasantly surprised within the first 8 bars, I've stopped listening. I've switched off. Likewise, a great sermon will always speak into your heart in the first 5 minutes. This one did. It left me with so much to think about.

This afternoon I plan on continuing my work outdoors since the weather is so lovely. In so many ways I consider myself to be most blessed among men. I thought deeply about that this past week. Not only about the things that God has blessed me with, but about the things in my life he has withheld or taken away from me. I rehearsed in my mind all the sincere prayer requests I offered him to which he answered no. Looking back, I realize that he had a good purpose for me in all of these experiences. I'm a better man because of them.

With Thanksgiving only a month away, I've decided to do something I've never done before. Beginning today, I will take some time during my morning Bible study to list ways God has blessed me in 2024. I am going to give thanks not only for what he provided but also for what he withheld. Beginning today, I plan to hit the pause button each morning and allow myself to remember the blessings of the past 10 months. He's forgiven me every sin I committed as I confessed it -- EVERY one. He granted me many occasions of fun and laughter with family and friends. He gave me the joy of wave riding and weight lifting and classroom teaching. He saw me through challenges with my eye and gave me such wonderful doctors and nurses. He was always there when I experienced loneliness, dark days, and sleepless nights. He reminded me over and over again that the God I love has experienced pain and therefore understands my suffering. In Jesus I've seen God's tears and witnessed the power of his suffering. I have found comfort knowing that no matter where I go or what I do I will find him there. 

In the end, I don't think I'll ever be able to thank him enough. His goodness transcends the mind's capacity to fathom it. Still, I want to say thank you to him, in small ways at least. I want to spend the rest of the year finding my way back to the Father's arms, where I can listen to his Spirit tell the story of Christ.