Friday, October 11, 2024

Today's Run

Here are few random pics and vids from today's run. 

I picked up running about 4 years after my wife died. For some reason I've stuck with it. It's two things for me: exploration and fitness. I can use my legs to transport myself to beautiful places that I would otherwise never see. Marathoning got me to St. George, UT and Mesa, AZ. I was able to visit the great city of Cincinnati. Then came Baltimore and Dallas and Fort Worth and Chicago. I also use this exercise to keep me healthy. It's wonderful having a better understanding of my own body, its needs, and how I should be respecting it. 

For something as simple as just moving your feet, running has really taught me a lot about life, perseverance, and health. And because of that it has greatly improved my life. It's the few minutes I have to myself uninterrupted by the distractions of my phone, work, and everything else going on around me. It's just my feet hitting the ground and realizing there's a whole world out there that I have to discover. 

Even though I may take the same route time after time, the way the air smells or the wind hits me is different every time. And it's an exercise in gratitude. I am grateful to God for every step I am able to take on my run. 

Running is so satisfying.