Thursday, October 10, 2024

Yes, It's Okay to Watch Sports

For some, watching sports is seen as a huge waste of time. Sports is "a singular example of mental perversion, an absurd and immoral custom .... From every aspect it's bad," wrote George Howard, a 20th century sociologist.

I agree. Partly.

Sports are not an unmitigated good. The ugly side of sports rears its ugly head time and again. This includes NFL football. Yet millions of us are drawn to it every weekend at least partly because of the passion, skill, and bravery it takes to play the game. The apostle Paul constantly borrowed imagery from the games of his day. 

He expects his readers to run the race so as to receive the prize. He applies the illustrations to himself and says that he runs looking intently at the goal. And like every athlete, he disciplines himself so that he won't be disqualified.

It seems that Paul enjoyed Christian freedom when it came to sports. I suppose we can too.