"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."
This powerful quote reminds us to be present and fully committed to the current moment, completely immersing ourselves in those opportunities we are convinced are aligned with God's purposes for us. This came home to me while reading 2 Tim. 4 this morning.
In verse 2 Paul gives this command:
I love how Phillips translates it: "Never lose your sense of urgency." The Hawaiian Pidgin version renders it: "You gotta be ready and go all out."
Ours is an age of constant distraction. Yet our future depends on our ability to pay careful attention to the present. To reach our future goals, we have to be present in the moment. When you're climbing the Alps, you know immediately if your foothold is secure. You have to constantly remind yourself:
Keep your attention so focused that distractions can't penetrate the process.
Be so engrossed with the task that you are unaware of the passing of time.
Focus your awareness on what's happening right now.
Be engaged.
Don't zone out.
Get off of autopilot.
Be present.
This message applies to Greek students as much as it does to climbers. Stop overthinking the future. Don't think about the next step. Master the chapter you're in before going onto the next chapter. "You gotta be ready and go all out." In a race, even in a marathon, there is a finish line. With preparation, courage, persistence, and a whole lot of God's grace, you can cross that finish line. You can take honest pride in what you've accomplished having done your very best. And for that one moment you can enjoy your achievement.
But until then:
Be ALL there.