Thursday, July 13, 2023

Truths about Teaching: Passion

This is me at the end of my morning workout at the Y. 

I always work out in the morning because the gym tends to be less crowded then. But I rarely lift alone. This morning I'd say there were maybe 10-12 others there. None of us is a professional bodybuilder. We are all "amateurs," which is a very interesting word. It comes from the Latin verb "to love." By definition, we lift just for the love of the sport. Our passion is unquenchable. 

Fellow teacher, are you fully embracing the ministry that God's given you with zeal and enthusiasm? When you do that, you will become contagious. People love to be around individuals who are passionate about what they do. And they don't lose their enthusiasm as the years stack up. 

Let's remember that as we return to the classroom this fall, shall we?