Friday, February 7, 2025

Leg Day

As you know, I do an upper body workout three days a week. So I just added a leg day to my schedule, at least until I'm able to run outdoors again on a regular basis. Like my pencil legs?

I do. In fact, I love 'em. After all, they're the only legs I've got. I figure things could be worse. And by exercising them -- who knows? -- they might get bigger and stronger. 

Is there a body part of yours that you don't like? Get over it. Why do we humans insist on comparing ourselves to others? Comparison is never pretty. Just consciously realizing this can be helpful. We can always find someone else in the world who is stronger or bigger or better looking etc. than we are. But when you compare yourself to yourself, it's a win-win situation. On the one hand, you realize how much you've grown and improved and matured and what progress you've made toward your goals. On the other hand, you can develop a healthy discontentment with yourself, one that allows you to push yourself forward to achieve greater heights than before. The old cliche is true: "Comparison is the thief of joy." So let's jettison it. We'll be so much better off. 

It's your journey, my friend. 

Just be you.

*Sermon concluded.*