Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mountains After the Flood (Great Video)

Maybe you didn't know this, but I'm a huge fan of creation science. I'm an even greater fan when I can combine my passion for creation research with getting in my daily steps.

Here's the video I watched while on the treadmill.

Here creation scientists explore how the earth's mountains were formed either during Noah's flood or just after that catastrophic event. I hope one day they'll make a video about how the Hawaiian Archipelago was formed according to creation science. I've done some preliminary work in this area, but I've yet to see anyone tackle this subject head-on. Oahu would a great island to begin with. 

Its foundational tectonic earth movements, combined with post-diluvian secondary volcanic eruptions (such as Koko Head), would make a fascinating application of flood theory to geology, don't you think?