Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Goal of Exegesis

On Monday next, we'll be exegeting this passage (Phil. 1:12-18). 

But the goal is not exegesis. Exegesis looks at ideas. A sermon looks at people. Exegesis differs from a sermon in the same way that taking a trip differs from studying a map. No biblical author wrote simply to convey information. Each one wrote to effect lives.

I'm eager to see the homiletical outlines the class produces for these two paragraphs. The inspired Scriptures exist so that we can be "adequately equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:17). Producing a sermon outline forces you to reflect on how attitudes and behaviors should be altered in light of the text. 

I'll share with you my own outline and paraphrase of these extremely interesting verses next week!