Monday, May 30, 2022

Rose Bushes and Memories

Memories. They're such a big part of life, aren't they? Today I've been working outdoors all day. 

The weather has been ideal for it. 

As I worked, I thought about Becky every time I went past one of her rose bushes. One of my dearest and most fond memories of the farm is the way Becky would tend to her Burji rose bush. 

This bush is from a plant her mother planted in Burji, Ethiopia when Becky was a child. 

Somehow we were able to plant an offshoot of it here at Rosewood Farm. These roses remind me of the seasons of life, that life goes through stages, all planned by God. Here's another one of my favorite rose bushes. 

This one Becky planted when we built our home, Bradford Hall. I have fond memories of her carefully pruning this bush. I can't tell you how many times these roses graced our dining room table. Today I still cut them and place them in a vase. 

For these memories I am incredibly grateful. There are many good memories. And more to come as I continue to appreciate the work Bec did to make this farm such an enjoyable and peaceful place to live. She may be gone but she is still very much here. She continues through those who loved her and anyone who knew her.