Sunday, January 21, 2024

What Are Your Fitness Goals for 2024?

I still haven't been able to schedule my first race for 2024. I was going to race yesterday in Asheville, but the temps were in the teens and I decided against running in the cold. I guess you might say I am getting a bit anxious to get back to the starting line. We humans desire to be better, if only in small and simple ways. Sound health is often at the top of people's New Year's resolutions lists, as it should be. How we take care of our body impacts just about everything we do on this earth. I strongly urge all of you to really think about what your health and fitness goals should be for the new year. This may mean moving into unchartered territories for some of you. Guess what? You really can get back into shape and back to fitness with sound training, the word "sound" being the key. Please don't overdo it. And be sure to think about why you want to do this. Let your goals flow from the eagerness of your soul. And remember: I will be your greatest cheerleader.