Wednesday, January 29, 2025

No Turning Back Now

Climbing a big mountain is like being in the Olympics. Months or even years of training have to be transformed into results in only a couple of days. I've been having a ball prepping for the challenge. I'm on my way to the summit of a really challenging peak. I'll do what it takes to get there, including today's run at the Tobacco Heritage Trail in LaCrosse, VA. 

I had to have my car serviced in nearby South Hill, so what better way to spend an hour and a half of free time than in running? 

No turning back now.

To the summit and a safe return.

I'm on a train with no intention of getting off.

I will not focus on the risks.

I will trust my guide to turn me around if he thinks it's necessary.

I'm heading into the unknown. 

How will I perform?

I'm going for the top of the Riffelhorn, putting my feet on terrain I've studied meticulously in photographs to glean its secret paths.

I am proud to be trying.

I am proud to be Dave Black.

I am proud I have the courage.