Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Keep Chasing Your Dream

Heard a quote recently that said, "Choose a goal because of who you will have to become to achieve it." While any given peak may not be a life-changing experience, the process of becoming competent in the sport will require you to leave behind any number of limitations. People who are successful climbers often become better persons -- more driven, more focused, more fit, and more resilient. All of those things carry over into practically any other area of life. I climb because I like learning where my limitations are and what I'm made of, then challenging myself to do what it takes to get there. It's something I have to give 100 percent focus to, forgetting all of the outside world accordingly. You know how when you read a good book and then finish it and you're kinda sad? Climbing a mountain is fun in a way that's both challenging and you're also sad when it's over. Honestly, it's the same reason I run marathons. It focuses me. It's mindful. It's an almost infinite scale of challenge. Plus, in both sports you get to immerse yourself in nature's greatest cathedrals. The uncertainty of whether you will succeed or not motivates you to train your hardest. Here I am at the gym today working on my upper body strength for this summer's climb. 

My workout included incline dumbbell bench presses and jumping pull ups. 

I loved every second of it. I have never met people who were more "alive" than marathoners and mountaineers. I think we humans enjoy things more when we have to struggle or suffer a bit to accomplish them. Nothing challenges you more to know your limits than really pushing yourself. I just love the feeling when I'm high up in elevation. It's grand, exciting, and thrilling. The actual climbing and rock scrambling part of it is so much fun. Below are two photos of the dream I'm pursuing this summer, the Riffelhorn. 

My kids have printed them off and put them somewhere to remind them to pray for me as I train. 

I'm simply never happier than when I'm chasing a dream. What can be better than the fear and risk of adventure? I keep coming back for more. Running and climbing take me places that I think only drugs could otherwise take me. It's something that can't be explained in a few words. I have also made some amazing friends through these sports. 

I know this sounds silly, but maybe I could ask you to consider printing off these photos and praying for me and my quest. The big day is August 4. Any prayers you offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!