Friday, January 3, 2025

Embracing Our Failures

We all know we fail. We are human. We will fail. We will fail in things we were once good at. Today I shot baskets at the Y. I hit maybe 25 percent of my shots. At best. That's it. 

I used to hit a whole lot more. I feel like a partial failure. But I'm learning to embrace my failures and shortcomings. Failure drives me. It gives me fuel. In fact, it's when we embrace our failings that we begin to carve out our true character on this earth. I want to keep improving as a basketball player and I won't give up. Failure must not be a habitual rut in our lives, but little failures along the path will someday lead to great successes. 

I will never get sick of watching people chase down their athletic goals even when they suck at it.