Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Going for a PR at the Bolder Boulder!

In less than 3 short weeks, Lord willing, I'll be running the Bolder Boulder 10K race in Colorado again. This event on Memorial Day weekend averages 54,000 participants each year. The ensuing patriotic program at Folsom Field at the University of Colorado is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The race is so well organized that they even mail out your shirt and race bib ahead of time. 

Today I went into "serious" training for the race. Last year I finished 43 out of 83 runners in the 70 year old age group. This year I'll be in the 71-year old category. My goal is to improve my race results by completing the race in the top fourth of runners in the *geriatrics* category. 

I was famished after my run but it was nothing a bit of Mexican food in Farmville couldn't handle. 

At least once in your racing career I highly recommend that you spend your Memorial Day weekend in Boulder at the Bolder Boulder. The race always attracts a top-notch field of professional runners as well. My plan is to get on my goal pace and stay there, clicking off one mile at a time. Maybe I'll even come away with a shiny new personal record!