Friday, May 10, 2024

Haddon Robinson: Faithful Expositor

Lord willing, in a couple of Sundays I'll have the joy of speaking at the Summit Church in Denver. I get a lot of questions about my approach to biblical preaching. While I enjoy these discussions, sometimes it's best to give people an example. This morning I was in Luke 11:2-4 -- the so-called "Lord's Prayer." The Lukan version differs somewhat from the Matthean one, at least in the Greek New Testament that I use. While studying this prayer, I revisited an old video on this passage by Haddon Robinson. 

NOBODY handles this text better than he does. Observe his gestures. Pay close attention to his complete lack of affectation. Note the absence of notes. See how he connects with his audience. Appreciate his many turns of phrases. Watch how he performs exquisite exegesis. I've heard Dr. Robinson 8 or 9 times in person. My appreciation for his method and style of preaching knows no bounds. 

As I said, this passage contains several major textual variants. Four of them to be exact. These explain the differences you'll find between the ESV and the NKJV. I know some of you will have strong opinions about how Dr. Robinson handled these variants. But if you find these textual issues distracting you from the heart of his message, this might be a red flag. 

Just some thoughts. Have a wonderful day!