Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thankful for God's Care and Protection

Farming is officially underway for 2024. My son has been doing this full time for 23 years. 

Today I spent time in prayer thanking the Lord over and over again that Nate and his family have been accident free all these years. Farm machinery requires great skill to operate. Things can and do go wrong. So I also asked the Lord to continue to look over the balcony of heaven with favor on Nate, Jess, and the boys. I know their main goal in life is to honor and glorify the Lord in everything and to be a good witness to others. In many ways, life is like racing through a narrow river gorge on flimsy canoes. There are some slow spells, but more often than not it's a seat-of-your-pants thrill ride. The only true guide is Christ. He has already mastered the river, and he's left behind a Navigator to keep us from getting too far off course. 

I'm so grateful for that -- that I can entrust each of my children and their families to his gracious care.