Thursday, May 16, 2024

Great News about This Year's Bolder Boulder!

A week from this coming Monday, the Bolder Boulder 10K race kicks off in Colorado. Lord willing, this will be my second year in a row to participate in this amazing race. Contrary to convention, in this race the elite runners start after the rest of the field of "normal" runners. This means that when the elites are entering Folsom Stadium they are met by a cheering crowd of 50,000 runners who've already completed the race. I am SO happy to see that last year's champion Conner Mantz is returning to defend his title this year. In an epic battle for first place, Mantz rallied from fourth place with only a half mile to go to claim a victory time of 29:08. Afterwards the iconic Memorial Day tribute took place. For last year's event, here are my race reports -- in which you can hear me screaming my lungs out for Conner Mantz to win!