Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hawaii Beach Report

Hey guys. I thought some of you might be interested in a few beach pics. If not, no problem. I thought I'd talk first about surfing, and then in other posts cover the island's cuisine, the Hawaiian language, etc. 

Here is "my "beach. Isn't it amazing? 

Even today it's totally uncrowded just as it was 60 years ago, mainly because hotels aren't allowed in Kailua. I love this beach because it's where I was baptized at the age of 8. In fact, this is the exact spot! 

I'm a bit older today but I still love nothing more than to lounge around on this incredible beach! 

This was the view that awaited me every morning. It was the perfect place and the perfect time to do my daily Bible reading. 

Plus, what better place to get in that morning run ?

As you can see here, most of the days I was at Kailua Beach the waves got up to a respectable height of 2-4 feet in the afternoon. Not too bad for a shore break,. 

But the real action on this trip was at Waikiki. 

Man, I was so happy to see that the outer reef was breaking. And it wasn't too crowded, either. Just perfect weather, perfect waves, and perfect camaraderie. 

I was tired and happy by the end the day. I couldn't have asked for better wave conditions. 

Thank you, Lord, for creating the seas and the waves. They are such amazing reminders to me of your love and care!