Today I had several friends at the gym ask me how my training for the Alps was coming along. One exclaimed, "You are so focused." How grateful I am for such encouragement! The reality is that goals don't tell you what to do without a plan. They just feel good. They can make you think you're being productive while nothing is actually changing. That's why before we set a goal for ourselves we need to define our WHY. Why do I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat before August? Why do I want to get in 10,000 steps every day? Why am I eating clean? You'll need a strong WHY to keep you going when your motivation dips.
At the end of the day, having goals doesn't matter because your IDENTITY needs to shift alongside this. You're not just someone who's trying to lose weight or scale a tall mountain. You're a fit, strong person who trains regularly and eats well and stays active and that's who you are now. Much more than chasing numbers on a scale, you're focusing on daily habits that will make fat loss inevitable in the long run.
Hope this makes sense. 😏
This morning I exercised for an hour and then got in my steps on the treadmill and by shooting baskets at the local park. I'm THRILLED to see the daffodils coming up, cuz this means that springtime is just around the corner.
Be blessed y'all!