The biblical studies faculty at Liberty University knows no peers. They know their craft and know it well. They are devoted to their mission. Most of all they put up with this writer. I have been friends with many of them for over 20 years. I'm even more grateful for them today than I was when I first met them. Each of their classes that I spoke in yesterday and today bore their adept touch.
Thanks, Jill and Thomas, for inviting me to address these amazing students.
Thanks for allowing me to challenge them toward greater Christlikeness.
And thanks, most of all, for being my friends. I just spent two days laughing, listening, learning, and loving. Tomorrow, if it comes, may I do so again.
My message was simple. Cling to Christ. Abide in him. He is worthy of our all.
Give Satan no quarter. Give his lies no welcome. Don't allow false assumptions about anything to take up any space in your mind. Focus on the word of God, nothing more. When you a hold a Bible in your hand, you are holding the treasure of the ages.
And remember: No life is irredeemable. No one is unloved or unlovable. You are in the Lord's service. So carry the gospel everywhere. Place yourself entirely in his care. As he promised, "I am with you each and every day."
So lift up your eyes. Dare to believe that good things will happen. Dare to believe that "in everything God works the good for those who love him." Rather than rehearse your problems, rejoice in the Lord's sovereignty, as Paul did. Go ahead. Stand up for those you love. And, yes, "pray for those who hurt you" (Matt. 5:44). Present them to the Giver of grace.
Not many can read the Bible in the original languages. But because many of our predecessors paid so great a price, you can read it in your own language. So read it. Believe it. Live by it. It is God's revealed and inspired word to you.