Hey folks! Training for the Riffelhorn continued today with an upper body workout followed by some treadmill time to get in my daily steps.
The great runner George Sheehan once said that, at the center of our being, we are all athletes. The only difference is that some of us are in training and some are not. From the very first day that you accept yourself as an athlete, you will have umpteen opportunities to succeed beyond your wildest imagination.
The day you cross your first 5K finish line or run your first marathon or summit your first 4,000-meter peak, you can seize the joy of being an athlete. The very feelings you once worked so hard to avoid are now the very feelings that you seek.
As of today, I have gone from 240 pounds down to 222 pounds. I'd like to get down to a leanish 210 pounds with 12 percent body fat before the climb. Just trying to follow the advice of Heb. 12:1 to "lay aside every weight" (ESV). Transforming a body that's became accustomed to inactivity into one that willingly and joyfully lifts and runs and climbs does not happen overnight. However, before long, your body gets the message and begins to adapt to the new demands being placed on it. It does this by getting stronger.
Just some thoughts about my journey back to the Swiss Alps. I hope they can inspire you to continue chasing down your own dreams!