Here's one of my favorites from this weekend's trip: enjoying a scrumptious meal at a local Ethiopian restaurant.
Here everyone dotes on mom -- as rightly they should!
Our server Abush fixed me one of the best macchiatos I've ever had. If you've never had an Ethiopian macchiato, you have never truly lived.
Another happy memory? Seeing old friends at Grace Bible Church. Here Becky and I were married 46 years ago. Here in 1954 mom and dad were commissioned as missionaries to Ethiopia. Here they raised their 6 kids. Here as a teen Becky admired her youth pastor, a young seminary student by the name of Chuck Swindoll, who was then a complete unknown.
Such wonderful memories.
I got back in time to teach last night, and I happy to report that the final grades for the semester have already been reported to the registrar. I am pleased that so many had a semester average of over 100. That there is a LOT of hard work! But the race doesn't always belong to the swiftest. To all of you who worked so hard this semester, I offer my humblest thanks. For 46 years I've stood at the border between Greek and English, between teaching people the Bible and teaching people how to study the Bible for themselves. How grateful I am for the word of God. In it God has spoken clearly and decisively. May it truly become our one and only authority.