Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Greek Greeting Cards

I am thinking of starting a new business. I think I'm going to make Greeting Cards for Greek students. I know many of you would like to send one to someone you know. Here are a few samples I'm thinking about:

Congrats on finishing your first year of Greek. Now please stop telling us about it. 

Congrats on getting an A on your final exam. Too bad you didn't do as well on your other exams.

Congrats on using your very first Greek word in a sermon. I had no idea what you were talking about but it sure sounded impressive. 

Congrats on purchasing your first printed Greek New Testament. Sorry you didn't realize there are 7 of them on your iPhone -- free. 

Congrats on signing up for Hebrew next year. You've always been good at thinking and speaking backwards. 

Ok. So maybe I should stick with teaching Greek instead.