Friday, June 9, 2023

Tri, Tri, Tri Again

My daughter in Hawaii sent me 3 new tank tops for my birthday and I just tried them on. They fit perfectly. 

I love them. I plan on wearing this one for my triathlon this weekend. Actually, it was she who got me into this running thing years ago. We did a 5K together and the rest, as they say, is history. I've noticed that people are more inclined to believe they can do something if they know someone else who's already done it and who is willing to do it with you. That's probably why so many actors have siblings who are actors, like Stephen and Alec Baldwin or Ralph and Joseph Fiennes. (Ralph was unforgettable in Schindler's List.) 

I have no special tri clothes. I just kinda wing it. I know I look like a dork but I'm okay with that. And my bike? Not the most expensive racing bike you can get. In fact, not even close. Like most anything I do, there's major room for improvement. I don't know if I will be ever be good at triathlons, but I can try tri. Every small improvement counts, including new tank tops, right?