Tuesday, September 17, 2024

162nd Anniversary of Antietam

As you may know, I'm a proud member of the American Battlefield Trust, whose purpose is to preserve our Civil War, Rev War, and War of 1812 battlefields. Today the trust is coming to you live from the Antietam Battlefield as the nation commemorates the battle that was fought there 162 years ago today. One of my ancestors on my father's side was a German Baptist (and pacifist) named John Miller of Sharpsburg who lived along the Antietam Creek. His property abutted that of his brother David Miller, in whose famous corn field the battle commenced that morning. I shot this photo two years ago while visiting the Gettysburg and Antietam battlefields. 

I so wanted to be there today for the ceremonies but I had to teach yesterday and couldn't get away. If you'd like to view the videos that the trust is publishing today, simply go here. I hope you will also consider joining me and others in the effort to preserve 11 acres next to the Dunker Church, where the Millers met for worship. 

Here's where you can go if you're interested in making a donation. 

Have a wonderful day!