Thursday, September 12, 2024

No Need to Become a Gym Rat

The videos below are from today's workout. It was a wonderful time. I just wanted to jump online and remind everyone that you don't have to live at the gym to see results. The gym is usually not a huge time investment. 

People see someone who's in great shape and automatically assume that the person lives in the weight room, when in reality 3 or 4 workouts per week can build the majority if not all the muscle you're capable of. 

Besides the physical benefits, it will improve your general mental health and then carry over and make you more productive for the rest of the day. 

Personally, I spend no more than 5 hours a week in the gym. As a result, my health has improved, I sleep better, and I am more motivated to do everything I set out to do. And yes, I'm well on my way to getting the physique I want. 

Combine gym workouts with cardio (easy walking, for example) and you'll be at the top of your game in your personal life. 

Have a fantastic day!