Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Husband's Headship

Since we're on the subject of marriage this morning, here's a brief reminder for those of us who are husbands. You are the head of your marriage. Yours is the final responsibility. Let's remember, however, that headship has nothing to do with superiority, intelligence, ability, or force. It doesn't mean you're always right. It's not "I get to tell everyone what to do." With authority always goes responsibility. And your primary responsibility is to your head -- Jesus Christ! 

If I failed anywhere in my marriage, it was here. Submission is one of those characteristics that is incredibly hard for a self-sufficient, sure-minded, determined young husband to practice. When I think of the multitude of ways I was selfish in my home, I cringe. Why should Becky have to ask me more than once to do something I should do anyway? Selflessness is offering to help your wife with the dishes before she asks. I could draw out many other illustrations of biblical headship. A husband never suppresses his wife. He never pretends he's better than her. He doesn't refuse to listen to her. Rather, he is the leader -- in thought, in word, in obedience, in helpfulness, in repentance, in example. He may not always be right. But he submits to the Lord Jesus Christ, accepts responsibility for managing his household, communicates total acceptance and unconditional love, and leads with godly authority.

Just a friendly reminder. Have a wonderful day!