Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thank You

This morning the doctor scraped away at my growth. He even performed surgery from underneath the eyelid. I'd never prayed about a chalazion clamp before. Guess there's a first time for everything.

When it was all over, when I finally had time to stop and think, all that came to me was that this morning my heart was bursting with gratitude for the gifted doctors we have here in Nowhere, VA. Why would such capable professionals stop by this little corner of the world? Generally, there's not much here, except for an aging demographic and hence a real need for not-your-typical-rural-American health care providers. Still, they come, taking the time to invest in this community alongside me. I can't tell you how encouraging that has been. It struck me again --  the extravagance of God's love.

I guess I just want to say a public thank you to whoever's out there.