Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Excelling in the Work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58)

1 Cor. 15:58 is such a great verse. It's a challenge I never want to forget. Paul says that our work is always to be carried out as more than just enough to get by. We don't just do our work. We excel in it. The NIV has "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord." The CJB reads "always doing the Lord's work as vigorously as you can." The NLT gives "Always work enthusiastically for the Lord." And in the ISV we did "always excelling in the work of the Lord."

The idea is not just to be engaged in the work of the Lord but to be engaged diligently and energetically. The HOF says "Setzt euch mit aller Kraft für den Herrn ein." I love that. I also love that word "always." We are to do this whether we're young or getting old, whether the work is a joy or we're slugging it out with a heavy heart, when it's fruitful or barren, whether we feel like it or don't feel like it, whether we're highly motivated or deeply discouraged, whether others are with us or against us. This verse is God's way of reminding me, "Dave, I realize that doing my work is hard. You are digging into an ancient text and delivering its truth to very real people. Don't avoid it. Embrace it. Give yourself fully to it. Do it with as much passion as I give you. Do it 'mit aller Kraft'." 

We Christians ought to set the world on fire. If in experience we've moved through Calvary and the resurrection to Pentecost, let us glorify our Lord and not quench his Spirit. Then we will be burning and shining lights for him today.