Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Climbing the "Contextual Ladder"

Yesterday in Greek class we discussed the structure and theme of Philippians. We were reminded of the importance of context in biblical interpretation. Without context, we might infer that when Paul writes "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (2:12) he's teaching salvation by works. But verse 13 throws a completely different light on the subject.

We also discussed the fact that the theme of Philippians is not joy. Joy is always the byproduct of living for the sake of the gospel. This understanding of Philippians can have a profound effect on our Christian walk. Paul's words should galvanize us into action. 

When you're studying a verse of Scripture, always consult its "neighbors." If you find yourself getting lost, climb the "contextual ladder" and get a bird's eye view. You'll be glad you did.