Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Importance of a Mentor

I end the day with a few personal comments. I could not be more thankful for all the schools that trained me -- Biola, Talbot, and the University of Basel -- as well as the mentors in those institutions who loved the truth and helped me to cultivate a love for the Scriptures; for my wife for helping to put me through my education; and for my colleagues who were patient with me as I forged out my teaching style, right up the present moment. For me, teaching God's word has been a dream come true. I want to pass that love of the Bible on to others -- including you. Every believer can experience the joy of personal discovery, as well as the great satisfaction of sharing with others the principles of God's word. I especially want to express my profound gratitude for my very capable Greek teacher and then colleague at Biola, Harry Sturz, who carefully placed my feet in the starting blocks and then assisted me to run the race with passion and endurance. My gratitude to this humble and godly man knows no bounds. 

Thanks largely to his mentoring, the last 48 years in the classroom have been nothing short of life changing. To God be the glory.