Friday, September 6, 2024

A Rollicking Good Time

Understanding the "moods" in Greek verbs is critical. The indicative mood is the most common mood. It presents the action as an obvious fact. This mood is generally studied before the other moods in Greek such as the subjunctive or the imperative. 

Monday's class will be a watershed for us in terms of our study of Greek verbs. With chapter 15 of our grammar, we will have studied the entire indicative mood

We only have one more morpheme to learn:

I love this language. It has mathematical, architectural precision. It's logic amazes me. It almost makes me giddy. 

Monday will be a day of great joy and celebration. Christianity isn't for deadbeats. Not if you take Jesus as our model. True, he wept, but joy was indeed "serious business" for our Lord. I liken studying Greek not to a convention of bleary-eyed salesmen but to a rollicking banquet of wedding guests -- tremendous happiness and joy. Every good gift from God should be received that way. 

"Success is not the key to happiness," said Albert Schweitzer. "Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." 
