Friday, September 20, 2024

Exciting Days in Greek Class

What a great morning for a run!

As I ran I prayed for my Greek class. They have a big exam coming up on Monday. Then after that we get to learn the third and final noun declension in Greek. 

With that we will have reached a significant milestone in our journey. Until now, all of the Greek to English exercises in my beginning grammar were written by yours truly. But beginning with chapter 18, our exercises will come directly from the Greek New Testament. ALL of them. I think we're eager to get there. Students and teacher alike, I think, are growing a bit weary of sipping on baby Greek. It's time to move on to the real deal.

Until now, I've been asking my students, "What does that sentence say?" Now I can ask, "Yes, that's what it says, but what does it mean?" I'll try to stroll them through the book of 1 John, showing them how John moves slowly and carefully toward a clear goal. He wrote his letter to drive home the point that fellowship with the Father and the Son produces an obedient life, a discerning life, and a love filled life. And all of this is possible through the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I never want to forget that. I never want to forget to thank the Father that it's not my might or power that gets me through the day. It's only his power that guides me into the Light.

May this course help all of us to grow into the likeness of our Savior!