Friday, September 13, 2024

Walk, Yes, But Watch Your Nutrition!

It was so much fun getting in 4 miles today as part of my fat loss journey. 

But guess what? Cardio can get you only so far. Anytime you want to lose fat anywhere on your body, you've got to begin with what you're putting into your mouth, that is, your nutrition. Notice I didn't say "diet." Diets are something you're on temporarily. Nutrition is how you feed your body over the long haul. The simple truth is that if you're eating more calories than your body is burning off, you are not going to burn fat. You've got to be hypocaloric. This doesn't mean you should stop doing slow cardio like walking. I have no doubt that regular walking can help you get rid of your love handles faster. Again, however, if you're consuming more calories than you're burning off, you're not going to burn enough fat to get rid of your belly fat. 

Walk, yes, but also watch your nutrition.

Have a great day!