Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Prayer for My Family

Here's a prayer I've been praying for my kids and grandkids:

"May this God of peace equip you to do every good thing he wants. And may he work in you through Jesus Christ to do what is pleasing to him." 

This is my paraphrase of Heb. 13:21. Incidentally, we don't have to guess what this "service pleasing to God" looks like. It includes what the author mentions in Heb. 12:28-13:19:

  • Serving him with a thankful heart.
  • Living in holy fear and awe of him.
  • Loving each other with true brotherly love.
  • Not forgetting to be kind to strangers.
  • Remembering those who are in jail.
  • Sharing the sorrow of those who are mistreated.
  • Honoring our marriage and its vows.
  • Remembering always that the Lord is our Helper.
  • Respecting our church leaders.
  • Refusing to be drawn away by false teaching.
  • Refusing to be bound up by ceremonial rules.
  • Offering a sacrifice of praise to God.
  • Not forgetting to do good to those in need.
  • Praying for others. 
  • Staying away from the love of money.
  • Being satisfied with what we have.

These sacrifices, rather than a burnt offering, are what truly please the Lord. My children and grandchildren will carry out his will only as he works within them. His action makes theirs possible!