Sunday, July 24, 2022

Me, DOMS, and Not Giving Up

A term that every runner should know is DOMS. It stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Of course, we runners could probably just complain about our muscles being sore, but if biblical scholars can use terms like Weltanschauung and Sitz im Leben to say World View and Setting in Life, I guess runners can be forgiven for trying to act cool too. Do you think I have a case of DOMS today? Hahahahahahahaha. What, do you think I actually went into yesterday's trail run severely undertrained, or that I ended it looking like the Tin Man from Alice in Wonderland (*creak*)? 

Despite all the adversity of the race and the exhaustion, almost everyone was amazingly positive after the race. They focused, not on what went wrong, but only on what had gone right. Sometimes the only thing "going right" after a race is the fact that you are still upright. 

In my life, I want to live without regrets. I don't want to look back and say, "I wish had done that." I believe that I am blessed with a body that enjoys being active, and I want to take advantage of that while I'm able. Runners can have an absolutely miserable day and still think they are undertaking the most amazing thing. Call us crazy, I guess. Nobody is making us do this. It is our choice. 

My friend, if there's something in your life worth doing, do it now. Don't wait. Live each day to the very fullest so that you don't look back and think about all the things you could have done. 

The guy who beat me yesterday is 77 years of age. How completely amazing it is that a 77-year old man would have the audacity to click the "Register" button for a tough trail race. One thing this tells me is that age doesn't necessarily need to be a limiting factor in pursuing your dream. 

Jordan Peterson has been on a roll of late. He's been talking about men being men and not wimps like the culture is asking them to be. If I could sum up his message in one sentence, it would be: Be willing to embrace suffering. This philosophy of life is completely contrary to normal, everyday life. We try to avoid suffering. We don't want DOMS. But in a trail race (and in the race of life), suffering is normal. It's perfectly acceptable. 

Perhaps the main thing that running has taught me is that it's possible to suffer and not give up. It is always possible to keep going. This one ability can't be bought but it is priceless. Don't stop. Crawl if you have to. Whatever you do, keep moving forward. 

Tomorrow, my tired and sore legs will awaken to a day of opportunity for advancing my fitness to the glory of God. After all, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is better than Daily Old Man Syndrome :-)