Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Postcard from Virginia Beach

As you know, I've been vacationing in Virginia Beach. No one is having any fun here. The sky is too blue. 

The beach is too empty. 

The surf is too awesome. 

The moon is too bright. 

And a cool ocean breeze keeps turning the pages in my Bible while I'm trying to read. 

So sad. 

I love vacations for all the typical reasons. But beach vacations are the best. If you ever go to Virginia Beach, here are a couple of tips. First, do NOT get a room, in any circumstances, in a fancy hotel right on the beach. Instead, get a hotel right across the street. You will save at least 50 percent in your room rates, and all it involves is adding a measly 50 feet to your walk to the beach. Here's where I'm staying. 

I managed to get a room on the top floor with a view of the ocean. Right across the street is the Sheraton, which puts you right on the boardwalk but it costs you dearly and, besides, the only time I spend in my hotel room is when I'm sleeping. 

Otherwise, I'm reading. 

Or jogging on the boardwalk. Hey Poseidon, take yer grubby hands off me! 

Or listening to music after sunset. 

Or working out. 

Or, of course, surfing. Here I am, freshly arrived at the beach. 

And here I am after a day of surfing -- tired but happy. 

Maybe it's just me, but one of the things I like to do on vacation is some serious soul-searching. You know, as in really thinking about life and sometimes leaving with a new perspective on things. Vacations allow you the time to take a breather in life and to step back and ask yourself, "Is there anything in my life I need to change?" I find that's a lot easier to do when you have no responsibilities other to take in the scenery. One of the books I'm reading has spurred me to write a blog post about the nature of the New Testament church and to address the seemingly endless problem of intra-denominational squabbles. I hope to have that up shortly. 

And my second tip? Do NOT, under any circumstances, go to the beach where your hotel is unless you enjoy big crowds and lots and lots of noise. Instead, take a 5-minute drive north to 73rd street. There you'll find plenty of free street parking and it's maybe a two-minute walk to the beach where you'll find ZERO crowds. 

Stay tuned for my post on the fundamental reason why I think denominations are splitting. Hint: It's our faulty definition of "church."