Thursday, December 21, 2023

Life Is About Taking Risks

When Bethany Hamilton was 13 years old, she was surfing at Tunnels Beach on Kauai when a tiger shark bit off her left arm. A month later, she was surfing again. 

This week in Hawaii, Bethany Hamilton was a leading competitor in the Pipe Masters competition at the famous Pipeline Beach. You can watch it here:

She's doing what she loves. I can't tell you how inspirational I find that. What's more, Bethany loves Jesus. Within her Friends of Bethany Foundation she offers programs such as "Beautifully Flawed" and "Anchored in Love." Thank you, Bethany. You are an inspiration to us all. I can only hope to do some of the same in my life. It's an honor to be part of the surfing culture. 

P.S. I lost a friend in middle school to a shark attack at Kailua Beach. The shark bit off his leg. My cousin Pila died while surfing at Waikiki Beach. His board hit him in the head and he lost consciousness. His body was found the next day. Life is about taking risks and overcoming fear. Successful people never stop taking risks all their lives. So often we forget that quality of life counts more than quantity of life. Nothing significant happens in the comfort zone.