Friday, December 22, 2023

Merry Christmas!!!

As you know, tomorrow I leave for Kentucky to spend Christmas with my daughter and her husband who's stationed at Fort Knox. Even though they have a home gym, I will be taking a break from lifting. I am finding it useful to take 4-5 days off every month so as to recharge. It takes a lot of willpower not to give in and go to the gym when feeling full of energy, but in the long term it really is the best way to keep from overtraining. Overtraining can be very subtle and can sneak up on you very gradually. So instead of lifting I'll take a good book with me to read and of course we'll spend a lot of time outdoors (the Louisville Waterfront Park is on our list of things to do). Please stay safe and warm out there and Lord willing I will talk to you again soon. 

Merry Christmas my friends!