Friday, August 16, 2024

Did You Know? (New Series)

Did you know that the best way to build your biceps is NOT by doing biceps curls? Instead of doing isolation movements like biceps curls, you should do compound movements. Basic compound movements like bench presses and pull ups place the biceps and triceps under a lot of stress. In fact, anywhere between 80-90 percent of your biceps gains will come from doing these two exercises. One is a "push" exercise, while the other is a "pull" movement. My favorite push exercise is the bench press, either with a barbell or with dumbbells. This is the way I began today's workout. 

This was followed by my favorite "pull" movement, the pull up. These can be done either unassisted or, as I did today, assisted.  

Remember, with both of these exercises, your biceps are engaged even though they are not the targeted muscle group. Does this mean that you shouldn't do any direct biceps isolation exercises? Not at all. Biceps curls will ensure that you are providing 100 percent optimal stimulation for maximum arm growth. Previously, I used to mix in biceps exercises throughout my workout. But I've learned that since compound movements are so much more taxing than isolation movements, it's best to leave curls to the end of my workout. A few sets of direct biceps work after your compound movements will allow you to build the biggest arms you possibly can.

Did you know that? I didn't either!