Saturday, August 17, 2024

On the Use of Italics in Bible Translation

This morning I reveled in 1 Thess. 4. There are so many nuggets to share about these verses, including this one. In verse 8, Paul reminds his readers that God's Spirit is a Holy Spirit who is given to all his people in order to make them holy. In the Greek, the word "Holy" is emphatic. 

Notice how this emphasis is nicely brought out by the Living Bible:

"If anyone refuses to live by these rules he is not disobeying the rules of men but of God who gives his Holy Spirit to us."

This use of italics may shock you, especially if you're used to using a Bible translation that employs italics to supply words in English that are lacking in the Greek. How about we return to the original use of italics in English to reveal emphasis? As far as I know, the Living Bible is the only English Bible that does this.

Just a thought. Have a lovely weekend.