Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Phil. 4:19

I was back in Phil. 4 this morning. What a rich time in God's word! 

If you're looking for a great commentary on Philippians, do consider the one by Gerald Hawthorne. 

While studying verse 19, Hawthorne helped me to see the close parallel between Paul's own material needs (and how God had met them) and the Philippians' material needs (and how God will meet them). 

Hawthorne writes, "Thus in v. 19 Paul has in mind exactly the same kind of needs he was talking about in v. 16, namely, present material needs that can only be met right now by material resources" (p. 207). He adds that these are needs "that could only be alleviated by earthly goods and services and by human associates" (p. 208). 

That's something to remember the next time you face material or physical needs. "My God, the same God who has taken care of all my material and physical needs, will supply every material and physical need of yours in accordance with his magnificent wealth, because you are in union with Christ Jesus" (verse 19, my paraphrase). 

There's so much more that could be said here, but I thought this might be an encouraging reminder to you today!