Friday, August 2, 2024

Today I Saw God

It all happened so suddenly. A routine annual eye check up (three weeks ago). A referral to a retina specialist (yesterday). Then a hurried visit to a retina surgeon (today). He located the tear in my retina, was prepared to perform immediate laser surgery on it, but then said to me, "It's healed itself. There's nothing I need to do. I'll see you in two months for a check up, but you're good to go." I had driven to Lynchburg for the surgery with my son, who was prepared to drive me home with a patch over my right eye and orders for bed rest and "no exercise or heavy lifting." Instead, I'm sitting here at my computer typing this blog post with two healthy eyes. 

Today, all at once, the aperture on my life snapped wide open and everything came into startling, narrow focus. "My son, when you're faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, I'm a still, small voice saying nevertheless. Never forget that out of darkness I created a stunning universe and hung a little blue ball in its corner and bathed the whole of it in my love. I am the one who makes the blind to see and the lame to walk. A word from me and the dead walk again." Friend, when storm clouds of fear gather this day, when boulders of doubt loom in your path this week, when an avalanche of care threatens to bury you this month, whatever it is -- no matter what it is -- his nevertheless is but a prayer away. 

I will never forget this day. It's tattooed on my brain forever. I know it won't always be this way. I know that someday, probably sooner than later, the answer to my prayers will be a loving no. But not today. Today I got a glimpse of One who surprised everyone except himself. I realized all over again how unworthy I am of his heart. Even when I run from him, he pursues me to the ends of my soul and draws me back. 

Today I saw God as clearly as I did when I first heard these words:

In times of confusion and chaos and pain,

I'm there in your sorrow, under the weight of your shame.

I'm there through the heartache,

I'm there through the storm,

My love, I will keep you by my power alone.

I don't care where you've fallen or where you have been,

I'll never forsake you,

My love never ends.