Monday, August 12, 2024

Encouraging Each Other

"You're absolutely killing it dude!" You'll hear this a lot at my gym. It's so amazing to watch your fellow lifters chase down their goals. Sometimes they'll even say it to me, like when I finally did 5 -- count 'em, 5! -- neutral grip pull ups for the first time in my life today. 

Neutral grips are just a good all-rounder. While I wouldn't say they are the easiest, since chin ups feel slightly easier, I also feel like I get more bang for my buck with neutral grip pull ups. This is probably the best form of pull up overall for arms and shoulders.

The guys I lift with are legends in my mind. In a good way, they really push me. As you know, I think a lot about motivation as I apply it to my own life. I try to understand why we do the things we do. I even talk about how I think discipline should be used. It's fun stuff. I hope it might give you a better understanding of your own motivations and help you pursue your own goals. 

Have a wonderful day, friend. And be sure to tell someone you love how you much admire and respect their work ethic.